IST .net interpreter (IST .net in further text)
IST .net is written in .net platform. As such, it depends on Windows operating system and requires Framework 3.5 (for the time being). The programme itself is stored on the server from where it is started. The server also stores .sql queries and procedures used for automatic correction and output reports. A very important directory on the server is \\serverName\ist\SQLtxt\IST (with subdirectories ExcelMacro, WEB, TechnicalDocumentation) where are stored all the files used by IST for formating output, generating web applications and technical documentation.
There is no installation of the IST. It is enough to make a shortcut from your own PC to IST programme ProcessStarter.exe on the server (\\serverName\ist) or simple to to copy IST.lnk to own PC.
To be able to modify IST at any moment, without affecting the current production the programme it is not started directly. It is started via
ProcessStarter.exe which switch to certain version of IST and in ProcessStarter.exe.config is pointer to IST vesion. Therefore the 6 last IST versions are sorted in order IST.NET, IST2.NET,..., IST6.NET. ProcessStarter.exe requires to have SplashForm.dll. file, in their folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<add key="AppPath" value="\\Rzsftp\IST\IST4.NET\Istrazivanja.exe"/>
***List of files in IstrazivanjaN.NET directory:
The configuration datafile Istrazivanja.exe.config is a XML document where, first of all, connection string connection is given to the IST metadata database so that IST .net interpreter can operate.
<section name="ISTconnection" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<section name="Istrazivanja" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<section name="ISTBrisanja" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<section name="ISTDeletings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<section name="ISTCATI" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<section name="ISTCAPI" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<add key="Data Source" value="nameOfSqlServer" />
<add key="Initial Catalog" value="IST" />
<add key="User ID" value="xxxxxx" />
<add key="Password" value="xxxxxx" />
<add key="Data Source" value="nameOfSqlServer" />
<add key="Initial Catalog" value="DEPO" />
<add key="User ID" value="xxxxxx" />
<add key="Password" value="xxxxxx" />
<!-- Whether in the DEPO database are saved primary keys of the deleted records -->
<add key="BrisanjeDEPO" value="true" />
<add key="Data Source" value="nameOfSqlServer" />
<add key="Initial Catalog" value="DEPO" />
<add key="User ID" value="xxxxxx" />
<add key="Password" value="xxxxxx" />
<!-- Whether in the DEPO database are saved primary keys of the deleted records, same as above -->
<add key="SaveDeleted" value="true" />
<add key="Data Source" value="nameOfSqlServer" />
<add key="Initial Catalog" value="CATI" />
<add key="Data Source" value="nameOfSqlServer" />
<add key="Initial Catalog" value="DEPO" />
<add key="User ID" value="" />
<add key="Password" value="" />
<add key="FolderZaProgrameZaUnos" value="\\serverName\IST\UNOS" />
<add key="HelpFile" value="\\serverName\ist\Help\ist.chm" />
<add key="pismo" value="" />
<add key="folderZaGen" value="\\serverName\IST\SQLtxt\IST" />
<add key="mode" value="DESKTOP" />
<add key="office" value="MONSTAT" />
<add key="nonavailable" value="61" />
<add key="defaultLanguage" value="eng" />
If the interpreter is not started directly from the server, it is enough to copy the directory IstN.NET to the PC. This way the local network and local application server are not over loaded. This is made for regional offices that work directly with IST, i.e. do not use a local IST installation. For such cases an additional programme has been designed ISTCheckThanStart.exe (stored on the server at the same location as ProcessStarter.exe) that checks if the user has the latest (current) IST version. If user does not have the latest version of IST, the ISTCheckThanStart.exe copies the latest version of IST(***) from the server to the working station. On the users PC, the IST will be stored in the folder %Temp%\IST. The programme creates this folder if it does not exists. If the PC has the latest version, the copying is not required.
The is written so it be can started more than one time in order to make possibility for user to work on more application at the same time. Every instance is independent and uses its portion of the RAM memory and creates its own independent connection with the metadata database. is written to make all the connections opens and closes by themselves. Every record is accessed individually, every rule of editing and automatic correction is performed individually, and every request to database opens and closes the path to the database by itself. This allows concurent work at any time. uses Windows authentification. That is how IST access to the databases on the SQL server. The application made in IST respects all the roles, users and their authorisations of a corresponding SQL server database. is designed to work, at one point only with one record from the database (thus the speed being maximally increased) on data entry, while on data editing and automatic correction a set of records is chosen from the database.
The selection of the time point is crucial for working with IST metadata. Everything that is launched from the and IST metadata concerns the selected time point.
For the purpose od certain surveys that deal with the 13th month in their methodology (e.g. Price Statistics), it is possible to select not only the initially loaded months from 01-12, but also from 00 to 99. The IST metadata does not need to have a month if the survey is annual.
The selection of the app is the selection of the survey or project that will be launched. When selecting the app, by clicking on a letter on the keyboard you can be positioned immediately on the first app that begins with that letter.
The option in the menu Administration->Developers... shows the list of app developers in IST. Information about developers is from the IST table, field ID Developer.