ISTBrief screenshots overview

We are proud to present our metadata driven system of integrated data processing - IST. Yes, the name is a little bit complicated, but do not be afraid, it is really simple for working in it. We have just wanted to compile everything what IST actually is in its name, and, you will agree, it is not simple at all.

So, let us tell you something more about IST, through a couple of screenshots...

It is aimed to be used in national statistical officess and it covers data processing in our statistical office through all stages of statistical production.

Imagine you want to run a survey. You are a member of IT staff in national statistical office and you want to start to work in IST. The first thing you have to do is to create it, of course...

In this panel, IST user actually adds a new application to the IST metadata database, by filling the basic info of the survey, such as the name, time dynamics, data about server, database and etc...

What else do we need for our survey... Tables, fields, of course. This is a next step – adding tables and belonging fields to our new survey.

The IST user can review and update IST metadata for selected application. But like the previous one, first, it has to select the survey from the dropdown menu.

So, let us say we created the survey, we added tables and the fields, we put everything what we need on the specific server and database... And, what is next... Data entry. We should entry data to our fields. From the welcome screen, we can choose a Data entry option.

And then user can go directly to the data entry screenand start to enter data...

After data entry, it is always good option to check our data. Select Batch logical control from the welcome screen and dive into the world of errors and inconsistencies...

According to the previously defined logical control, by clicking on the button Batch logical control, the user will be provided with the tables and on the each one will be presented the total number of the records and the number of the incorrect ones.

For each table of the selected survey, user can see the number of the records grouped by the single Error, followed by the error explanation. Column Error consists of SQL queries which are based on the requests of the survey manager, and which, for the every single error, can be found in column Error Title. Column Action can consists of group automatic correction of the specific type of the error.

After we found out about errors and inconsistencies in our tables, the next step is logical: Data editing. We should correct our data. This option can be selected from the welcome screen.

After that, the user will select the table which consists the errors...

And the user could select the dataset that will be presented, selecting the corrected or incorrect data by selecting the button Records selection, error type, or by entering various criteria in the table fields.

And the dataset is here... User can also select the columns that are going to be presented by selecting the button Column selection. On the bottom, there are more data on the errors, and by clicking on the single row, the user will be led to the screen to the questionnaire (already shown data entry screen), in which data can be corrected. User can delete or add new records. Additionally, dataset can be exported in one of the available formats.

What else do we need... We forget something, for sure... Searching data!...Yes. We want to search our data. We want to have a simple, user friendly panel, with SQL functionalities, which will make users fully capable to pull the data they need from the database. Also, we wanted to provide the different output formats for data export. User can enter in panel for data search by selecting the button Advanced search.

By entering the criteria in the field, such as the part of the name of the survey that contains data that users want to search, IST will show all the surveys that meet that criteria.

The list of the tables which belongs to the survey will be displayed.

Users can drag and drop the fields of the presented tables and, by selecting one of the SQL criteria, to actually initiate the SQL statement which works behind, so, the user can, on the simplified way, actually, to work in the SQL, even he is not familiar with it. The idea is, as we already said, to provide a user friendly environment for work. And this is how we do it!

The user can enter criteria. The next screen shows the number of the records in the dataset that meets entered criteria.

So, here is a dataset...

Various commands are available to the users. Users can export data into available formats (Excel, XML, JSON). Also, user can choose either to save the condition or to run the existing one.

Sometimes, we want to impress everyone with ability to quickly generate and present our data through various reports. Statistical offices, publish various publications which show data for a specific date or for the selected period of time. IST can help with that. IT staff can create different data views on the ITS, for a specific period of time, and simply, users can pull the data from the database and to choose the output format. User can reach the reports panel by clicking Procedures and Reports from the main panel

So, you can have something like that. In Microsoft Excel, for example. It is nice, isn’t it...

And that is it for now... We wanted to show you, simplified, just a few screenshots of IST. There is a much more to show you, but we think this is enough for now. Our intention has been just to board you on the IST ship and to show you how IST cope with the huge waves of statistical data. For more, contact us anytime.

We will be glad to share our experience with you!